It's that time of year again.
Whether it's to learn a new skill...
To get out in the great outdoors more...
(Photo by Sasha at Me and Me.)
Or any other number of things,
New Year's often equates to the setting of new goals, dreams, and hopes.
New Year's resolutions are infamous for lasting, oh, approximately....24 hours. If you're lucky. ;)
Sometimes it seems pretty hopeless to even set one, but they aren't literally impossible to keep. There are some ways to help you accomplish your New Year's resolution.
1: Pick One Thing
It will help you keep on track with your dream if you aren't overwhelmed with innumerable things you should be doing. Regardless of what you may think, you are going to be busy sometimes this year. That's just what happens. Pick something to really concentrate on, and set your mind to achieving it.
2: Be Realistic
Allow yourself some wiggle room, and set a goal that you can reach. Understand that you will have other preoccupations in the coming year, and give yourself some room around it.
3: Understand You Will Mess Up
News flash: you are human. Embrace it! Don't pressure yourself to never, ever mess up. It will only stress you out more than necessary when you do.
4: Get Back Up Again
Another news flash: messing up does not equal failure. "Fall 7 times, stand up 8" says the Japanese proverb. It's okay if you mess up, but get back up and try again. You will never accomplish what you want if you quit the first time you fall!
5: Record Your Progress
Whether it's through a journal, calendar, or anything else, find a way for you to comfortably track your progress. Give yourself reminders of what you want to accomplish, and believe that you will accomplish it. Avoid forgetting about your goal.
So, dear readers, don't give up hope! Aim for the sky this year, and fly even further!
What are your goals for 2015?