Now, the fun part. Answering the questions. :D
1. How has your week been?
Very moving.
Literally. Lots of moving. We moved houses. The fun part, however, was I got to put stuff into and organize and decorate my room.
And, of course, my favoritest books. :D
That also brings me to my photo a day thing. I haven't been doing that lately. Whoops. Anyway, my next one is:
Where I ate breakfast. Over looking the lake at our new rental.
2. How long have you been blogging?
My first blog was for my really cool English class, if that counts. My first assigned post on that was September 10th, 2013. But I began blogging for fun on Star-Spangled Sisu just a couple months ago.
3. What is the strangest thing you've ever done?
Uh...I really don't know. Really. I have no idea. Sorry...once I ate a couple worms just to see what they tasted like??
4. The Disney princess you've always secretly wanted to be?
Hmm. I'm not much of a Disnerd at all, but I guess when I was younger I liked Pocahontas.
5. Describe yourself in one word!
I'm going to have to go with enthusiastic. Most of the time. Haha, it really depends.
6. How did you come up with the title of your blog?
I just chucked it down without thinking about it too much. But I guess I really like the idea of sisu, and I wish it could be more applied to me. And I'm American, so I don't know...it just kind of happened. :D
7. If you had to choose between pumpkin bread or lemon bread which would it be?
Lemon bread.
8. Do you remember dates or names better?
Names all the way! Just ask someone about my weird middle name obsession. I remember names.
9. Books or movies?
I'm biased, since I don't really watch movies, so I'm gonna have to go with books. :D BUT, one thing I'll often take over the book?
The audio book! Love audio books.
10. Have you ever traveled out of the US?
Only to Canada.
11. Where is your happy place?
Hmm. I don't really have a "place", physically or geographically. I just kind of wander. Whether it's down the lovely rambling dirt roads at the old house...
...or walking circles around the kitchen table, (which, by the way, bothers half of my family to pieces.) I just like to wander around.
11 Random Facts About Me:
1. I really love stories. Tell me a story, and you are my friend.
2. I play the cello, and a little violin.
3. Little kids and old people are my favorites.
4. Math is not my friend.
5. I really like having projects.
6. I've always really liked school.
7. I like to stay up late.
8. I want to become a really good photographer someday. But I have no interest in a business. Just for fun.
9. I nearly always use my middle initial.
10. I most normally write in cursive.
11. I like mysteries.
Thanks again Chloe for the nomination!! It was fun. :)
I would just like to nominate 2 blogs:
Jenae at Deep in the Heartland
and Sasha at Amazing Pictures.
You guys: Link to the blog that nominated you. Answer the 8 questions. List the 9 facts about yourself. Nominate some bloggers with less than 200 followers. Let them know they're nominated. Have fun!
Alright, now the hard part. Making up questions.
1. What's your favorite school subject?
2. Where would be your dream place to live?
3. What have you read lately?
4. What do you wish was for supper today?
5. Make a 5 word sentence that describes your day.
6. Cheese, cake, or cheesecake?
7. Name a favorite fictional character and why they're your favorite.
8. Why did you start your blog?
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