Monday, July 28, 2014

Younger Me

Once upon a time, oh, about eleven years ago, my feets were about the size of the faded print on the right.... (even though you can't see the bottom of the print, but you get the point.)
And now, they're about the size of the print on the left. :) I often spent my younger days giving my grandparents heart attacks by scrambling up the trunks of trees until I was propped precariously on the highest, slimmest limb, and giving everyone else heart attacks by scrambling over the pool fence when nobody was looking. I liked climbing on things. Once I climbed to the top of a tree and wouldn't come down, because I didn't want to go to the dentist. Eventually I agreed to go when it was threatened that my beloved tree would be someday chopped down if I didn't get down right that minute. :D
     I spent the rest of my days hand in hand with my dear, gorgeous, oldest niece, like so:

(Of course, that's not actually my niece & me, that's two of my younger nieces, but it's a pretty accurate representation all the same. :) )
    Well, occasionally you'd find us hand in hand, actually. You'd more commonly find us in the middle of a fight, and probably not speaking to each other. Well, we know how to get along now, right? Right?? ;D
Yep, we're cool.

(Shout out to my other dear niece, whose fingers made it into the top left of the picture above. :D)

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